Mo Willems is the author of several great series of books, including the Elephant and Piggie books, the Pigeon books, and the Knuffle Bunny books.
We started with the Elephant and Piggie books.
These books are great. They include humorous but simple stories about two good friends, Gerald the Elephant and his buddy Piggie. We used these books to learn about making text-to-self connections, speech balloons, and story mapping/retelling (characters, setting, problem, solution).
As a wrap-up to this mini-unit, we made Gerald and Piggie puppets and made up and told our own stories. Then, we made a "sloppy copy" draft to plan our written stories. The final draft was a four-part comic strip in which the story was told using the dialogue of Gerald and Piggie.
The kids did great with this project!
This week, we're using the Pigeon books to learn about different types of sentences.
Here is our Anchor Chart. We sing a little song that goes like this:
Four Types of Sentences.
A question ASKS,
A statement TELLS.
A command ORDERS, and
An exclamation YELLS!
As we read the different Pigeon books we identified the different types of sentences. Later, we wrote our own questions, statements, commands, or exclamations to go with our Pigeon crafts to decorate our door for Parent/Teacher conferences next week.
Next up, the Knuffle Bunny books! We can't wait!
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