Tuesday, October 1, 2013

First Graders Figure out Friction!

As part of our Physics on the Playground unit, the first graders learned about friction today! We started by reading a book during which we imagined what would happen if we tried to roll a toy car across a variety of surfaces.
Next, we had a great time observing, predicting, and learning with this friction simulation from BBC Science Clips! Click here to get to the interactive simulation.
Then, we went outside and used the slide on the playground to experiment with friction. We timed the difference between kids who were wearing jeans versus kids who were wearing athletic-mesh shorts, and kids who held their feet flat compared to kids who didn't, and whether it made a difference if you gave yourself a push before beginning your slide.
Finally, we went back inside and the first graders wrote in their science journals about what friction is, how it affected their bodies as they moved down the slide, and drew a picture. They are becoming great little observers and recorders! Next up: the kids are designing, drawing, and creating models of their own pieces of playground equipment that employ the forces of gravity, push/pull, and friction. I'm so excited to see what they come up with!


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