Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hello, First Grade Families!

One of my favorite times of year is the Back to School Season!
I am busy in the classroom and working on my computer, creating spaces and making plans for our great year ahead. Here is the school supply list for you to start thinking about as you plan for September!

La Farge Elementary First Grade Supply List 2013-2014

1 one-inch three-ring binder with clearview pocket cover

2 notebooks

2 two-pocket three-hole folders

1 pencil box

2 boxes Crayola markers

1 box Crayola crayons

5 glue sticks

2 pkgs #2 Ticonderoga pencils (Ticonderoga only, please... other pencils do not sharpen well and break easily)

1 scissors

1 pkg Post-It notes (any size)

1 pkg thin dry-erase markers

2 containers antibacterial wipes

Paint shirt

1 healthy snack for class (pretzels, crackers, cereal)

1 ream of white copy paper for writing workshop (you'd be SHOCKED at how much a first grader can write!)

1 complete change of clothes in Ziploc bag labeled with child’s name

Donation to math program: 4 quarters, 5 dimes, 10 nickels (first grade is when we learn to count coins! At the end of the year, we buy ice cream with this money!)

1 set of headphones


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