Thursday, September 26, 2013
Happy Birthday, Johnny Appleseed!
Today the first graders read a book and had a lengthy discussion about Johnny Appleseed. They were very interested and intrigued by his story, and we decided to celebrate his birthday with an Apple Party tomorrow!
To practice our Question Words, the first graders wrote invitations for the kindergarteners who will join us at our party. Each first grader went across the hall and read their invitation to a kindergartener.
Tomorrow, the first graders will learn to make apple pie from scratch. In the afternoon we'll share our treat, sing happy birthday to Johnny Appleseed, and watch the classic Walt Disney Johnny Appleseed movie. We're looking forward to a fun Friday!

Forces and Motion
The first graders are continuing to learn about forces and motion through our Physics on the Playground unit. Today, they had a great time with this Tug of War Simulation activity from the PhET Project at the University of Colorado - Boulder. Click to play, and ask your first grader to tell you about balanced and unbalanced forces!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Literacy Workshop Up and Running!
KVR Field Trip
The Promise Center had a great trip to the Kickapoo Valley Reserve yesterday! We started out our visit with a fun puppet show, featuring Marsha Mouse who was sent to find out what a habitat was by visiting different forest animals. The kids loved it! We learned that a habitat has to include food, water, shelter, and a place to have and raise babies safely.
Afterwards, we sang a song to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell:
A habitat is a home,
A habitat is a home
Food, water, shelter, place,
A habitat is a home.
Then we went outside to look for some animal habitats. First our instructor had us sit down in the grass and close our eyes to tune our senses into what was happening around us. We focused on what we could hear, smell, and feel.
Then we went for a walk on the Wintergreen Bluff Trail. The kids had a great time finding all sorts of interesting things: Deer beds, baby bunny holes, deer tracks, claw marks, animal trails, insect homes, nests, toads, chipmunks, autumn leaves, nuts, pinecones, and much, much more.
Thanks, KVR! As always, we had a great time.
Special thanks to Eli's mom, Jewels' mom, Makayla's mom, Lilly's grandma, Landen's mom, Gracie B.'s mom and dad, Gracie G.'s mom, and Daegan's mom for joining us!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Vision & Hearing Screenings
Today, two nurses from Vernon County Public Health came to screen all of our elementary students' vision and hearing. The kids were pretty excited, mostly because we'd recently finished a chapter book called Junie B. Jones, First Grader At Last! in which Junie B. gets her vision tested and finds out she needs glasses. Results of the screens will be shared with parents as soon as possible!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Gravity Always Brings Me Down!
The first graders started their Physics on the Playground unit today by learning about gravity. The kids had great ideas about what gravity was before we started!
- "It's in the AIR."
- "It's what makes you float. Or not."
- "It's invisible!"
We watched this fun music video, did some predicting and observing activities inside, and then headed out to the playground to explore how gravity works on playground equipment. Already, they're making connections! At snack today, a first grader said, "If we didn't have gravity, we wouldn't have milk, because the cows wouldn't stay on the ground."
Here are some first graders experiencing the effects of gravity at the Village Park playground:
We'll continue working on this unit for the next week or two. Students will be exploring how the forces of gravity and friction affect how they play on playground equipment at school and in parks. Measurement data, questions, and observations will be recorded in a science journal. As a final project, students will design and create a piece of playground equipment, explaining the forces employed when using it. Check back often for more updates!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Field Trip Next Wednesday!
Dear Families,
On Wednesday, September 18 the Promise Center (4k,
kindergarten, and 1st grade) will be going on a field trip to the
Kickapoo Valley Reserve to learn about animal habitats and homes. There is no
cost for the trip.
All of the 1st grade families signed a Walking Field Trip Permission Slip as part of your back to school paperwork that includes field trips to the KVR because it is considered a local destination, so there will be no extra permission slip sent for this trip.
You are also invited to attend the field trip with us as a chaperone. You would need to drive your own car and meet us there, however, as the bus will be full with all three classes on it. We would love to have you join us!
All of the 1st grade families signed a Walking Field Trip Permission Slip as part of your back to school paperwork that includes field trips to the KVR because it is considered a local destination, so there will be no extra permission slip sent for this trip.
You are also invited to attend the field trip with us as a chaperone. You would need to drive your own car and meet us there, however, as the bus will be full with all three classes on it. We would love to have you join us!
Below is some information from the KVR staff regarding
appropriate dress and precautions:
Appropriate Dress: Dressing
appropriately is extremely important for field trips to the Kickapoo Valley
Reserve. Almost all of our classes take place entirely outdoors, and students
will be walking on and off trails. Please make sure that students dress for the
weather (a little rain, snow, cold doesn’t stop us from having fun!). Layers
are always appropriate. Closed-toed shoes are a must (sandals and flip-flops
should stay home), and long pants are a good idea as well (especially if you
are orienteering). Our almost 8,600 acres of “outdoor classroom” is well
stocked with nature’s beauty and wonder, which can include mud, briars and
poisonous plants, to name a few. Our staff will always be on the lookout and
will let students know about the above, but dressing appropriately is truly an
important safety precaution.
A Few Words About Ticks: They
are present here at the Kickapoo Valley Reserve! Both Deer Ticks and Wood Ticks
are prevalent. While ticks are not something to be overly concerned about, it
is important that parents are notified that their children should be checked
over for ticks after their field trip to the KVR. The CDC has more information
available here.
Please remind your first grader to wear sturdy shoes next
Wednesday (it is a gym day, anyway) since we will be doing some hiking outside.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Our Class Promise
After many discussions and revisions, the first grade class came up with the following Class Promise, which they all signed as their own personal promise. It was posted in our classroom today, along with some smiling faces created by the students.
"We can make our room a place where can can have fun learning a lot by:
- being friendly,
- being safe,
- taking care of our materials,
- listening actively, and
- trying hard and never giving up.
We're off to a great start in first grade! I'm amazed at how much these kiddos can do ALREADY!
Friday, September 6, 2013
Writing Numbers and "Number Massages"
Part of the start of first grade math curriculum is a review of writing numerals. Today, Ms. Gustafson's class had fun practicing using the song above. First we watched the video and sang along while we wrote our numerals in the air with our fingers. Then, we moved into a circle and traced the numerals on eachother's backs. The first graders had a chance to listen to, watch, write, and feel the formation of each numeral. The more modalities we can use to get information in, the better! Afterwards, they practiced writing numerals on paper with pencils. These practice sheets were sent home in their binders today. Check out the pictures below and stay tuned for more fun snippets about what's happening in our classroom next week and beyond!
First Day Portraits!
We had a great first week! Thank you, first graders and families!
See the First Grade Facebook Page for individual photos which you can share or download. If you do not see your child's photo here, it is because I have not received a release form for them.
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